Merrill     Dunes
Liquidation Sale of Paintball and Airsoft Related Equipment
After 26 years of operation Merrill Dunes has shifted into Laser Action Tag and we are going to clear the deck of paintball and airsoft gear to make room for our Laser push.  Space and Time are our goals and the final selling price for the gear listed is very secondary - offers are perfectly fine as we get a feel for demand. In many cases buyers are competing with the junk yard!

The low Cdn dollar vs the US$ makes our pricing very attractive to the US fields that we contact but the issue of shipping goods with a low dollar cost and high volume and significant packing costs will favour clients who can arrive with a truck and "load up".  There is lots of value to load!

Pricing has not been posted on this website but field owners who go to the trouble of requesting a pricing guideline will have the information immediately by email.  We are after clients who take blocks of goods. Time issues make sales to individuals impractical.  Don't hesitate to call 306-280-4100 with any questions. Several years back we bought up "everything" at Battlefield Paintball - a local operation.  Rick the owner was pleased and so were we.  Dollars and convenience matched. Minimal hassle and simple dollars worked for both of us - I would be delighted to have a repeat situation with me being the seller on this chapter!  Spend some money and it is easy for me to throw more stuff into the fire and everyone is happy!

We have 450 masks, four HPA compressors, 9 HPA bulk tanks, five HPA fill stations, two battle vehicles with rotating turrets, ball packers, and many more field related items.  The photos accurately reflect the excellent condition of the vast bulk of the gear.  
