Two Paintball / Airsoft / Laser Tag fields stand out in the Saskatoon Area. They are close to each other but are totally separate. They are different yet they have positive similarities. Which is the Best? Here is a tour of Merrill Dunes Field 2. You can tour Merrill Dunes Field 1 when you are done casing #2. It's a tough call to pick the Winner. But it is pleasant to be faced with such a choice!

Field 2 is normally where we do our laser events as the Field 2 bases are wired with laser sensors. Field 2 has more bush cover and fewer man-made obstacles. Field 2 can handle a larger group without log jambs occurring. Field 2 closes for the winter and usually opens again around the beginning of April. The service systems and game systems are very similar at both fields. We are constantly upgrading the entire Merrill Dunes operation and often these upgrades will make one field a bit better than the other until the process jumps the laggard into the lead again. We try to put equal effort into each field.