Late Night Paintball Events
Prior to the RM bringing in its noise bylaw, which was aimed at dog kennels, but we felt impacted us, we offered late night events.

We had just upgraded our night lighting so it didn't impact neighbors, just when the noise bylaw suddenly came into effect.  The neighbors affected have since moved on.

Our Saturday night time slot was the most popular time we offered and it, along with Sunday evening, was wiped out, but mainly due to our own decision.  No one ever complained.

Life and technology move on and we have rental guns that make less noise. Our wired field has the capacity to function with methods to communicate with players that cannot be detected from off our property.  Late night play is back as noise isn't an issue and likely never was.

Evening and night events in the summer are wonderful!  It is cool.  The forest is fragrant and filled with night sounds such as coyote howls and crickets.  It is usually calm compared to the day.  And the nightlight experience is unique.  In the fall of 2018 we boosted our lighting firepower considerably.

Good times have returned!
Merrill     Dunes